April 26, 2024

Is allopathy worth beside its side effects

allopathy side effects

Side effects of allopathy

Let’s Understand what is allopathy or what is the definition of allopathy before moving further   

Allopathy is a method of treating disease with remedies that produce effects different from those caused by the disease itself. This is one of the most common definition you may have read about allopathic. You may have heard this terms more often allopathic medicine is nothing but another name of modern medicines that we use, there are many different terms we use for allopathic medicines like conventional medicines, mainstream medicine, western medicine etc.

Allopathy is a combination of two Greek words “allos” meaning “opposite” & “pathos” meaning “to suffer”

The scientist or german physician named join these two words and name it as, Allopathy.

Allopathic medicine Provide a quick relief to patient but they don’t cure the disease permanently, they only help to reduce the effect of pains and other symptoms caused by a disease, but nowadays allopathy is one of the most used methods of treatment to any disease, as they provide quick relief from diseases but in long run, they aren’t good for you, as the medicines used to treat diseases in allopathy are designed to help reduce the pain & effect caused by a disease but instead as a side effect they will also affect other parts of your body, for example, if you are suffering from fever, you go to a doctor he or she will provide you with antibiotics, to treat your fever, you will take the medicine and will feel better & relaxed in 1 to 2 dosage only, but as a side effect these antibiotics will slowly damage your liver & kidney.    

Uses of allopathy: Allopathy medicines & practices are used in many modern approaches to treating several diseases, some of the common methods used by allopaths are bleeding, leeching, cupping, blistering, purging, puking, poulticing & rubbing with toxic ointments.

 Some of the common medicines/ drugs used in allopathy are

  • Antibiotics
  • Medicines of blood sugar.
  •  Chemotherapy 
  • Migraine medications

These medicines in allopath are used to fight germs or kill it or stop their productions,

Some drugs in allopaths prescribed by doctors are also used to replace the hormones which are not produced by the body any more such as insulin.

Beside being treating you quickly the allopathic approach has many disadvantages & side effects like

  • The disease may appear again:

                   Yes, you heard it right after treating the disease with allopathy you might get rid of the disease but it might be temporary & the disease might appear again, as the allopathy only treated the part, or disease but not cure them of the root as a result disease might appear again.

  • Allopathic medicines may also destroy good bacteria:

 The allopathy medicines may have reacted with other medications & have adverse effects of treatment on your body, they can kill normal bacteria of a body that are used to defend our body from different diseases, which leads to the growth of bad bacteria.

  • Allopathy doesn’t cure it suppress:

Drugs & medications prescribed by allopath does not cure the disease that is causing the problem instead it suppresses the effects for short time or changes the function of the body. 

Long term use of allopathic medicines might cause chronic hidden side-effects, 

  • Can be addictive or dangerous:

It’s very common to hear that drug overdose leads to some fatal incidents, which makes allopathy a dangerous approach when overdosed. These quick-relief medications might make you addicted and you get prone to having these drugs & can take overdoses too which can result in organ failure or even death sooner or later.

  • Carelessness  can lead to adverse effects:

     As most of the time doctors are on a tight schedule so they miss out on proper diagnosis & minute details and as a result, you get the wrong medicines which can lead to serious issues.


  • Focused on speed but temporary relief:

Allopathic drugs are generally prescribed by seeing visible symptoms & not the hidden or latent symptoms or causes as a result it provides speedy but temporary relief.

There are so many side effects and disadvantages of using allopathy to treat a disease, but why are we still using it to, treat diseases. 

Well the answer is clear we are using allopathy as allopathy is one of the quickest way to treat disease and in allopathy, we have researched about an advanced approach to many types of diseases, while in other medical methods like homoeopathy & Ayurveda it takes a long time to treat diseases but once treated you will get rid of the root source of the disease, and the disease will never come again but It’s a slow and expensive process with no side effects. Let’s understand with an example, if you are suffering from a fever you go to an allopath doctor, he will provide you with some antibiotics, and you will get rid of fever in almost 1 day, but will also harm your liver if proper precautions were not taken. While if you go to a homoeopathy doctor, he will first know about your body, and then accordingly as your body working and digestion he will give the medicine that will treat the causes of the fever but will take 3 to7 days depending on the illness, but as our life is fast-paced we want rapid action therefor we go with allopath beside of the side effects and you will find more allopathy clinics near you then an homoeopathy.

The NSSO survey says that 90% of the people in both rural and urban areas prefer allopathy over another type of treatments. While the government of India is making efforts for promoting AYUSH (Ayurveda, Yoga or Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy). The allopathy was also predominantly used in both rural & urban areas irrespective of gender.

The main reason behind the success of allopathy is because of the human tendency of getting rid of problems as fast as possible be it temporary, because of this impatient human nature allopathy is growing and used widely besides its drawback, most of us don’t know about side effects of an allopath. Using allopath for long terms can be troublesome and can be dangerous to health but if you want quick resolution for normal diseases take them with precautions for short time only.

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